Une des personnes ayant collaboré sur le projet DISCORDIA, d’après STEPHEN KING, a déclaré ce qui suit :
Again, we don’t know what to call it. Its a new thing all together. I know Josh called it an interactive « comic book » in Big, but that’s not really what we are doing. -Only part of it is. And the art is not at all comic book looking. So thats out.
I think a good way to help you guys is to offer some kind of list of inspirations like the Big reference. Let me get a green light from Marsha and I will let you know what games, movies, books, concepts etc, are the inspiration for Discordia. Sound good?
I spoke with Marsha and she was cool with letting out some inspirations. Here you go:
Game Concepts:
Myst, The Seventh Guest, Choose Your Own Adventure Books, The Interactive Comic Book concept from Big
Story: The works of Scorsese & Spielberg
Art: Pixar meets Adolphe Bouguereau
Of course everything Stephen King!