Edito # 3
(Lou Van Hille)
You’ll lose a lot of sleep.
Ralph does. At first he finds it hard to drop off. Then he starts waking up earlier. And earlier. But that isn’t when he begins to see things. Colours, shapes, strange auras around his friends. Not to mention the bald doctor who always turn up at the scene of a death. The evil-looking one clutching a rusty scalpel. All that comes later.
After Susan Edwina Day’s visit to the town of Derry, Maine, is announced – when the once piacid town starts to divide over women’s issues. And the hitherto mild-mannered Ed Deepneau gets out of control-dangerousely so.
That’s when Ralph begins to lose a lot of more than sleep. When he begins to understand why Ed is obsessed with the notion that Derry is becoming the new Armageddon. And realise that time is ticking away for the residents of his home town.
An evil of unimaginable proportions has found a way in. And Ralph has one chance to beat it. In a card game. The stakes are high. They always are when you’re playing for human souls. With a Joker in the pack… a bald one with a rusty scalpel…
INSOMNIA is a retentless waking nightmare in which the master of horror and suspense guarentees you sure won’t rest in peace.
Voici (enfin !) le troisième numéro du STEPHEN KING MAGAZINE (STEVE’S RAG) après une période d’hibernation de plusieurs mois… En couverture (et en exclusivité), voici le tout nouveau roman de King (INSOMNIA)… Après être revenu dire bonjour à un certain Richard Bachman avec deux romans (GERALD’S GAME & DOLORES CLAIBORNE) et après la mise en place d’un troisième (et dernier ?) recueil de nouvelles, mister King revient en force avec un tout nouveau roman fantastique… L’action se situe, cette fois-ci, à Derry, Maine !
Remerciements à :
Evrard José
Fontaine Rémy
Debeer Loïc
Hayot Christophe
Van Hille Lou
Stephen Spignesi
Craig Goden
Douglas E Winter
George Beahm
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