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Nous vous proposons de vous plonger dans une liste de livres et d’auteurs recommandés par Stephen King.
Ces recommandations, ne se prétendent pas comme étant une liste exhaustive de recommandations de Stephen King, mais cette liste se base sur différentes sources, telles que les différents essais et chroniques de Stephen King, mais également son compte Twitter: @StephenKing
Les autres conseils et recommandations de Stephen King :
– Les auteurs et livres recommandés par Stephen King (cette même page)
– Les films et séries recommandés par Stephen King
– Les musiques et chansons recommandées par Stephen King
LIVRES recommandés par Stephen King
Voici une liste de livres recommandés par Stephen King, dans son ouvrage « Ecriture, mémoires d’un métier » (2000) :
Abrahams, Peter: A Perfect Crime
Abrahams, Peter: Lights Out
Abrahams, Peter: Pressure Drop
Abrahams, Peter: Revolution #9
Agee, James: A Death in the Family
Bakis, Kirsten: Lives of the Monster Dogs
Barker, Pat: Regeneration
Barker, Pat: The Eye in the Door
Barker, Pat: The Ghost Road
Bausch, Richard: In the Night Season
Blauner, Peter: The Intruder
Bowles, Paul: The Sheltering Sky
Boyle, T. Coraghessan: The Tortilla Curtain
Bryson, Bill: A Walk in the Woods
Buckley, Christopher: Thank You for Smoking
Carver, Raymond: Where I’m Calling From
Chabon, Michael: Werewolves in Their Youth
Chorlton, Windsor: Latitude Zero
Connelly, Michael: The Poet
Conrad, Joseph: Heart of Darkness
Constantine, K. C.: Family Values
DeLillo, Don: Underworld
DeMille, Nelson: Cathedral
DeMille, Nelson: The Gold Coast
Dickens, Charles: Oliver Twist
Dobyns, Stephen: Common Carnage
Dobyns, Stephen: The Church of Dead Girls
Doyle, Roddy: The Woman Who Walked into Doors
Elkin, Stanley: The Dick Gibson Show
Faulkner, William: As I Lay Dying
Garland, Alex: The Beach
George, Elizabeth: Deception on His Mind
Gerritsen, Tess: Gravity
Golding, William: Lord of the Flies
Gray, Muriel: Furnace
Greene, Graham: A Gun for Sale (aka This Gun for Hire)
Greene, Graham: Our Man in Havana
Halberstam, David: The Fifties
Hamill, Pete: Why Sinatra Matters
Harris, Thomas: Hannibal
Haruf, Kent: Plainsong
Hoeg, Peter: Smilla’s Sense of Snow
Hunter, Stephen: Dirty White Boys
Ignatius, David: A Firing Offense
Irving, John: A Widow for One Year
Joyce, Graham: The Tooth Fairy
Judd, Alan: The Devil’s Own Work
Kahn, Roger: Good Enough to Dream
Karr, Mary: The Liars’ Club
Ketchum, Jack: Right to Life
King, Tabitha: Survivor
King, Tabitha: The Sky in the Water (unpublished)
Kingsolver, Barbara: The Poisonwood Bible
Krakauer, Jon: Into Thin Air
Lee, Harper: To Kill a Mockingbird
Lefkowitz, Bernard: Our Guys
Little, Bentley: The Ignored
Maclean, Norman: A River Runs Through It and Other Stories
Maugham, W. Somerset: The Moon and Sixpence
McCarthy, Cormac: Cities of the Plain
McCarthy, Cormac: The Crossing
McCourt, Frank: Angela’s Ashes
McDermott, Alice: Charming Billy
McDevitt, Jack: Ancient Shores
McEwan, Ian: Enduring Love
McEwan, Ian: The Cement Garden
McMurtry, Larry: Dead Man’s Walk
McMurtry, Larry, and Diana Ossana: Zeke and Ned
Miller, Walter M.: A Canticle for Leibowitz
Oates, Joyce Carol: Zombie
O’Brien, Tim: In the Lake of the Woods
O’Nan, Stewart: The Speed Queen
Ondaatje, Michael: The English Patient
Patterson, Richard North: No Safe Place
Price, Richard: Freedomland
Proulx, Annie: Close Range: Wyoming Stories
Proulx, Annie: The Shipping News
Quindlen, Anna: One True Thing
Rendell, Ruth: A Sight for Sore Eyes
Robinson, Frank M.: Waiting
Rowling, J. K.: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Rowling, J. K.: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azakaban
Rowling, J. K.: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
Russo, Richard: Mohawk
Schwartz, John Burnham: Reservation Road
Seth, Vikram: A Suitable Boy
Shaw, Irwin: The Young Lions
Slotkin, Richard: The Crater
Smith, Dinitia: The Illusionist
Spencer, Scott: Men in Black
Stegner, Wallace: Joe Hill
Tartt, Donna: The Secret History
Tyler, Anne: A Patchwork Planet
Vonnegut, Kurt: Hocus Pocus
Waugh, Evelyn: Brideshead Revisited
Westlake, Donald E.: The Ax
Voici une liste de livres recommandés par Stephen King, dans son ouvrage « Anatomie de l’horreur » (1981) :
Richard Adams. The Plague Dogs; Watership Down*
Robert Aickman. Cold Hand in Mine; Painted Devils
Marcel Ayme. The Walker through Walls
Beryl Bainbridge. Harriet Said
G. Ballard. Concrete Island*; High Rise
Charles Beaumont. Hunger*; The Magic Man
Robert Bloch. Pleasant Dreams*; Psycho*
Ray Bradbury. Dandelion Wine; Something Wicked This Way Comes*; The October Country
Joseph Payne Brennan. The Shapes of Midnight*
Frederic Brown. Nightmares and Geezenstacks*
Edward Bryant. Among the Dead
Janet Caird. The Loch
Ramsey Campbell. Demons By Daylight; The Doll Who Ate His Mother*; The Parasite*
Suzy McKee Charnas. The Vampire Tapestry
Julio Cortazar. The End of the Game and Other Stories
Harry Crews. A Feast of Snakes
Roald Dahl. Kiss Kiss*; Someone Like You*
Les Daniels. The Black Castle
Stephen R. Donaldson. The Thomas Covenant Trilogy (3 vols.)*
Daphne Du Maurier. Don’t Look Now
Harlan Ellison. Deathbird Stories*; Strange Wine*
John Farris. All Heads Turn When the Hunt Goes By
Charles G. Finney. The Ghosts of Manacle
Jack Finney. The Body Snatchers*; I Love Galesburg in the Springtime; The Third Level*; Time and Again*
William Golding. Lord of the Flies*
Edward Gorey. Amphigorey; Amphigorey Too
Charles L. Grant. The Hour of the Oxrun Dead; The Sound of Midnight*
Davis Grubb. Twelve Tales of Horror*
William H. Hallahan. The Keeper of the Children; The Search for Joseph Tully
James Herbert. The Fog; The Spear*; The Survivor
William Hjortsberg. Falling Angel*
Shirley Jackson. The Haunting of Hill House*; The Lottery and Others*; The Sundial
Gerald Kersh. Men Without Bones*
Russell Kirk. The Princess of All Lands
Nigel Kneale. Tomato Caine
William Kotzwinkle. Dr. Rat*
Jerry Kozinski. The Painted Bird*
Fritz Leiber. Our Lady of Darkness*
Ursula LeGuin. The Lathe of Heaven*; Orsinian Tales
Ira Levin. Rosemary’s Baby*; The Stepford Wives
John D. MacDonald. The Girl, the Gold Watch, and Everything
Bernard Malamud. The Magic Barrel*; The Natural
Robert Marasco. Burnt Offerings*
Gabriel Maria Marquez. One Hundred Years of Solitude
Richard Matheson. Hell House; I Am Legend*; Shock II; The Shrinking Man*; A Stir of Echoes
Michael McDowell. The Amulet*; Cold Moon Over Babylon*
Ian McEwen. The Cement Garden
John Metcalf. The Feasting Dead
Iris Murdoch. The Unicorn
Joyce Carol Oates. Nightside*
Flannery O’Connor. A Good Man Is Hard to Find*
Mervyn Peake. The Gormenghast Trilogy (3 volumes)
Thomas Pynchon. V.*
Edogawa Rampo. Tales of Mystery and Imagination
Jean Ray. Ghouls in My Grave
Anne Rice. Interview with the Vampire
Philip Roth. The Breast
Ray Russell. Sardonicus*
Joan Samson. The Auctioneer*
William Sansom. The Collected Stories of William Sansom
Sarban. Ringstones; The Sound of His Horn*
Anne Rivers Siddons. The House Next Door*
Isaac Bashevis Singer. The Seance and Other Stories*
Martin Cruz Smith. Nightwing
Peter Straub. Ghost Story*; If You Could See Me Now; Julia; Shadowland*
Theodore Sturgeon. Caviar; The Dreaming jewels; Some of Your Blood*
Thomas Tessier. The Nightwalker
Paul Theroux. The Black House
Thomas Tryon. The Other*
Les Whitten. Progeny of the Adder*
Thomas Williams. Tsuga’s Children*
Gahan Wilson. I Paint What I See
M. Wright. Strange Seed*
John Wyndham. The Chrysalids; The Day of the Triffids*
Autres livres recommandés par Stephen King :
MOONDEATH, de Rick Hautala (Zombra, 1981)
MOONBOG, de Rick Hautala (Zombra, 1982)
Haunted Heart ; the life and times of Stephen King, p97 :
« Rick Hautala, Steve’s classmate from the university of maine, … , signed with Kibry who prompty sold Rick’s Horror novbel MOONDEATH to Zombra, which published it in 1981. King wrote a blurb for that book and Hautala’s second, MOONBOG, which came out the following year. »
AMERICAN GODS de Neil Gaiman… blurb, extrait de SANDMAN 8
« Il est, tout simplement, un pur trésor d’histoires et c’est une chance pour nous de l’avoir, de livre en livre. »
« Gaiman is a treasure house… we are lucky to have him. »
> extrait de l’introduction de world’s end
HELLFIRE CLUB, Peter Straub : déja dans mon livre je crois
Knuckler: My Life with Baseball s Most Confounding Pitch (Paperback), de Tim Wakefield
“A terrific book about one of baseball’s most underrated pitchers, not to mention baseball’s most misunderstood pitch.” – Stephen King
DOMINION, by C.J. Sansom:
« DOMINION, by C.J. Sansom: Great alternate-history novel. The Nazis win, occupy Britain. On sale this week. Check it out. »
> Twitter, 26th of january, 2014 > https://twitter.com/StephenKing/status/427444441385668608
« That book DOMINION is terrific. And no, this isn’t one of those publisher-sponsored blurbs. I just fell in love with it. Nice and long, too. »
> https://twitter.com/StephenKing/status/427901214273974273
DOING HARM, by Kelly Parsons
« DOING HARM, by Kelly Parsons: best damn medical thriller I’ve read in 25 years. Terrifying OR scenes, characters with real texture. »
> https://twitter.com/stephenking/status/455880106469494784?refsrc=email
Nick Cutter : The Troop [Kindle Edition]
« The Troop scared the hell out of me, and I couldn’t put it down. This is old-school horror at its best. »—Stephen King
Dona Tartt’s THE GOLDFINCH :
Source : http://www.theguardian.com/books/2013/sep/21/stephen-king-shining-sequel-interview
He was recently asked by the New York Times to review Donna Tartt’s new novel, The Goldfinch. « And Donna Tartt is an amazingly good writer. She’s dense, she’s allusive. She’s a gorgeous storyteller. But three books in 30 years? That makes me want to go to that person and grab her by the shoulders and look into her face and say, ‘Do you realise how little time you have in the scheme of things?’?
Critique dans le New York Times : http://www.nytimes.com/2013/10/13/books/review/donna-tartts-goldfinch.html?_r=0 (enregistré sur le PC)
Source : http://www.theguardian.com/books/2013/sep/21/stephen-king-shining-sequel-interview
He has a lot of sympathy for JK Rowling, who was spectacularly mauled for her first non-Harry Potter novel, The Casual Vacancy, which King is reading at the moment. « Man, this book is like… Do you remember Tom Sharpe? It’s a bit like that. And it’s a bit like Who’s Afraid Of Virginia Woolf? It’s fucking nasty. And I love it. The centre of the book is a dinner party from hell and you say to yourself, ‘These little people in the town of Pagford are a microcosm not just of British society, but western society as a whole, of a certain class.’ The fact that she set it around this little election that nobody cares about in a shit little town is fabulous. She’s a wonderful storyteller and the writing is better than in any of the Harry Potter books, because it’s sharper. »
Stephen King recommended book. He said in Entertainment Weekly’s column The Best Books I Read in 2012: « I took two steps into this series last January, lost my balance, and went in headfirst. The HBO series is great, but no match for the wild generosity of the books. Swordplay, dragons, and magical fire-queens are all very well, but Martin brings something better to the table: an array of unforgettable characters and a staggering imaginative scope. »
THE BORDER, by Robert McCammon: Rip-roaring, old-school SF. Mean aliens, heroic earthlings. Subterranean Press. Late May. I dug it.
THE BORDER, by Robert McCammon: Rip-roaring, old-school SF. Mean aliens, heroic earthlings. Subterranean Press. Late May. I dug it.
— Stephen King (@StephenKing) April 28, 2015
Jayne Anne Phillips : QUIET DELL
« Have you read the book #StephenKing deemed « the novel of the year »? #QuietDell @jayneanneonly http://ow.ly/qnipy
It is a blurb on our QUIET FELL jacket. A book on Steve might be a conflict of interest but you should probably send to Nan Graham.
“Natchez Burning is extraordinarily entertaining and fiendishly suspenseful. I defy you to start it and find a way to put it down . . . This is an amazing work of popular fiction.” (Stephen King) blurb on the front cover
From the publishers website :
‘Natchez Burning is extraordinarily entertaining and fiendishly suspenseful. I defy you to start it and find a way to put it down; as long as it is, I wished it were longer. There’s a bonus: you’ll finish knowing a great deal about the deep south’s painful struggle toward racial equality, and the bloody road between Then and Now. Only a southern man could have written this book, and thank God Greg Iles was there to do the job. This is an amazing work of popular fiction.’ STEPHEN KING
RED MOON, by Benjamin Percy
« Finished RED MOON, by Benjamin Percy. A werewolf epic. Can’t stop thinking about it. »
Twitter : https://twitter.com/StephenKing/status/410217288516632577
Crosscut, by Meg Gardiner
Stephen King recommended book and author. He says: « Full of classic Gardiner one-liners…but mostly there’s a serious freezerload of scare-you-silly chills. »
THE ACCURSED, Joyce Carol Oates
Stephen King recommended. He says: « Joyce Carol Oates has written what may be the world’s first postmodern Gothic novel. . . You should read it. »
Silken Prey by John Sandford
Stephen King recommended on 6/3/13 Today Show.
The Good Son, by Michael Gruber
Stephen King recommended: He said: « Sonia Bailey, a remarkably astute woman with a colorful backstory, leads a peace delegation into Pakistan, where her party is kidnapped by jihadists. Her son Theo sets an elaborate rescue plot in motion…but Sonia has a few tricks up her own sleeve. Let’s just say she out-mullahs the mullahs. The suspense is terrific, but in this book it’s a bonus. I learned more about the jihadist mindset in these pages–and in an entertaining way–than in all the cable-TV punditry I’ve seen since 9-11. Cerebral, emotional, heartfelt, this one’s the complete package. President Obama, if you happen to come across this column, read this book. »—Stephen King, Entertainment Weekly
The Road Out: A Teacher’s Odyssey in Poor America, by Deborah Hicks
Stephen King recommended book. He said in Entertainment Weekly’s column The Best Books I Read in 2012: A wrenching account of one woman’s attempt to show a group of at-risk preteen girls that literature can offer them a better life, and possibly even an escape route from their poverty-stricken and drug-racked community. The prose is occasionally clunky, but the girls are luminous. Their stories will touch your heart.
Some Kind Of Fairy Tale , by Graham Joyce
Stephen King recommended book. He said in Entertainment Weekly’s column The Best Books I Read in 2012: « There are two gone girls on this list, but only one who may have been abducted by fairies. That’s Tara Martin, who disappeared from home at age 15. When she shows up 20 years later, she still appears to be 15. Here is a keenly observed tale of a family in crisis, one that mixes fantasy and psychiatry in a potent cocktail. »
The Caller, by Karin Fossum
Stephen King recommended book. He said in Entertainment Weekly’s column The Best Books I Read in 2012: « Pranks can have lethal consequences, even when they seem harmless to start with. Fossum, a Norwegian poet who has turned to crime, has confected a poison bonbon that ranks with the best of Ruth Rendell. »
The White Devil, by Justin Evans
Stephen King recommended book. He said in Entertainment Weekly’s column My Top 20 of 2011: « Want a good English ghost story to read by the fire on a cold winter night? This tale of a malevolent ghost haunting a troubled American student at Harrow will fill the bill. It gathers you in lovingly, then takes you in a strangler’s grip with its escalating horrors. »
Crossers, by Philip Caputo
Stephen King recommended book. He said in Entertainment Weekly’s column My Top 20 of 2011: « A New York financial whiz loses his wife in the 9/11 attacks and flees to Arizona to rethink his life. There he falls afoul of a Mexican drug queenpin named Yvonne Menéndez. The result is a mix of Cormac McCarthy, Ian McEwan, and John D. MacDonald. What I’ll remember most clearly are the wrapped packages of high-powered cocaine stamped ‘This Is Our War on the North Americans’. »
Talk Talk, by T.C. Boyle
Stephen King recommended book. He said in Entertainment Weekly’s column My Top 20 of 2011: « Dana Halter is a schoolteacher with a good life and a handicap (which she refuses to think of as a handicap): She’s deaf. Everything changes when she’s pulled over after failing to come to a complete halt at a stop sign. Instead of the ticket she expects, she’s handcuffed and taken to jail. What follows is a richly written novel of escalating tension and a character study of an amoral identity thief you may never forget. »
Skippy Dies , by Paul Murray
Stephen King recommended book. He said in Entertainment Weekly’s column My Top 20 of 2011: « At 660 pages it’s probably a little long, but this is still one terrific coming-of-age story, full of humor, pathos, and downright weirdness. Skippy dies right away (in a doughnut shop), but the hows and whys are filled with humor and unexpected beauty. »
The Casual Vacancy, by J.K. Rowling
Stephen recommended author and book. He said: « She’s a wonderful storyteller and the writing is better than in any of the Harry Potter books, because it’s sharper. »
The Turnaround, by George Pelecanos
Stephen King recommended author and book. He says: « Pelecanos, best known for his work on HBO’s The Wire, is perhaps the greatest living American crime writer. »
The Troop, by Nick Cutter
Stephen King recommended book. He said: « The Troop scared the hell out of me, and I couldn’t put it down. This is old-school horror at its best. »
The Killer Next Door, by Alex Marwood
If you read Alex Marwood’s THE WICKED GIRLS, her new one–THE KILLER NEXT DOOR–is even better. Scary as hell. Great characters.
Twitter : https://twitter.com/StephenKing/status/434852027777052673
THE LIE, by Hesh Kestin
Scribner, mars 2014
« A page-turner that will engage your mind and emotions in a way few novels do. The narrative is headlong, the issues have never been more current, and the characters come alive from the page. This is a story about the lies we tell until the truth is forced upon us, and about divided countries, including those of the human heart. I started reading; I ended up experiencing. The Lie is what great fiction is all about. »
> http://books.simonandschuster.com/Lie/Hesh-Kestin/9781476740119?cp_type=end&rmid=20140304_The-Lie-A&rrid=3464348#sthash.cwRowm1T.dpuf
>> http://www.amazon.com/The-Lie-Novel-Hesh-Kestin/dp/1476740097
THE ACCIDENT, by Chris Pavone: if you like real nail-biters, this is the best one so far this year.
THE ACCIDENT, by Chris Pavone: if you like real nail-biters, this is the best one so far this year.
— Stephen King (@StephenKing) March 28, 2014
THE SECRET PLACE, by Tana French :
Read THE SECRET PLACE, by Tana French, when it comes out. You’ll understand then. Great book.
Read THE SECRET PLACE, by Tana French, when it comes out. You'll understand then. Great book.
— Stephen King (@StephenKing) March 26, 2014
The Golem of Hollywood by Jonathan Kellerman & Jesse Kellerman
“An extraordinary work of detection, suspense, and supernatural mystery. I spent three days totally lost in the world Jonathan and Jesse Kellerman have created. This is brilliant, page-turning fiction with mythic underpinnings that give it a special resonance; a rare collaboration where the sum is truly greater than the parts. The book is like nothing I’ve ever read before. It sort of took my breath away.”—Stephen King
SOURCE ; Bev Vincent………….. couverture?
The Good Nurse, by Charles Graeber
« You think Annie Wilkes was bad? Check out this chilling nonfiction account of Charlie Cullen, a friendly nurse who may have killed several -hundred patients before he was caught. Now, there’s a real cockadoodie brat. »
I’m loving THE SOUTHERN REACH TRILOGY, by Jeff Vandermeer. Recommended by an indie bookseller. Creepy and fascinating.
> via StephenKing on Twitter http://ift.tt/1nTXCXZ Stephen King on twitter, via : http://ift.tt/Lvo3Ei
NICEVILLE and THE HOMECOMING, by Carsten Stroud: crazy-good supernatural/crime/horror epic. Blew me away.
> https://twitter.com/StephenKing/status/481181038979600384
Really one novel. You’ve never read anything like it. Faulkner crossed with Steve King.
> https://twitter.com/StephenKing/status/481181276591095810
Michael Grant’s GONE serie
« I made Michael Grant’s GONE series last, but finished the last one today. I am now free to leave the FAYZ, but my time there was well spent. »
> https://twitter.com/StephenKing/status/484823196458557440
STATE OF WONDER, by Ann Patchett:
« STATE OF WONDER, by Ann Patchett: took me awhile to get around to it, but boy, was it worth it. Highest recommendation. »
> https://twitter.com/StephenKing/status/486669753491410944
BROKEN MONSTERS, by Lauren Beukes
« BROKEN MONSTERS, by Lauren Beukes: Scary as hell and hypnotic. I couldn’t put it down. Next month.I’d grab it, if I were you. »
> https://twitter.com/stephenking/status/497477950393319426?refsrc=email
« Remember when paperback originals were cool? Sex, action, suspense? Try FRANKENSTORM, by Ray Garton. It’s old school. »
Remember when paperback originals were cool? Sex, action, suspense? Try FRANKENSTORM, by Ray Garton. It's old school.
— Stephen King (@StephenKing) August 14, 2014
JACK READER novel (serie)
I got an advance copy of the new Jack Reacher novel. It’s the best one yet. Out next month, I think.
I got an advance copy of the new Jack Reacher novel. It's the best one yet. Out next month, I think.
— Stephen King (@StephenKing) August 24, 2014
CONSUMED by David Cronenberg
« Consumed is an eye-opening dazzler. Not for the fainthearted, but for those of us who relish a trip into the shadowy depths, a must-read. » – Stephen King
Fingernails, by Jason D Williams
« Jason D. Williams, oh my God. The second coming of Jerry Lee Lewis. Download « Fingernails. » Do it now. Your ears will thank you. »
>> https://twitter.com/StephenKing/status/512986479346614272
The Golem of Hollywood
« “An extraordinary work of detection, suspense, and supernatural mystery. I spent three days totally lost in the world Jonathan and Jesse Kellerman have created. This is brilliant, page-turning fiction with mythic underpinnings that give it a special resonance; a rare collaboration where the sum is truly greater than the parts. The book is like nothing I’ve ever read before. It sort of took my breath away.”—Stephen King »
> http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-golem-of-hollywood-jonathan-kellerman/1118663088
SNOWBLIND, de Christopher Golden : « ce livre vous glacera les os et le coeur »
> http://photos-f.ak.instagram.com/hphotos-ak-xaf1/10735441_302080253319005_811936816_n.jpg
« If you liked THE MIST, try DARKNESS ON THE EDGE OF TOWN, by Brian Keene. Excellent short horror novel. »
If you liked THE MIST, try DARKNESS ON THE EDGE OF TOWN, by Brian Keene. Excellent short horror novel.
— Stephen King (@StephenKing) December 13, 2014
YOU, by Caroline Kepnes
« YOU, by Caroline Kepnis: Hypnotic and scary. A little Ira Levin, a little Patricia Highsmith, and plenty of serious snark. Cool stuff. »
> https://twitter.com/StephenKing/status/544696532902371328
THE RECKONING, par Carsten Stroud
« Reading the last book in Carsten Stroud’s horror/suspense NICEVILLE trilogy, THE RECKONING. Out in August. Good God, what an achievement. »
> https://twitter.com/StephenKing/status/565491550579601408
THE PAYING GUESTS, by Sarah Waters
Finishing THE PAYING GUESTS, by Sarah Waters. Awesome full-bodied novel. It’s like she’s saying, « Hey, dudes, this is how you do it. »
Finishing THE PAYING GUESTS, by Sarah Waters. Awesome full-bodied novel. It's like she's saying, "Hey, dudes, this is how you do it."
— Stephen King (@StephenKing) January 6, 2015
THE GIRL ON THE TRAIN, by Paula Hawkins:
THE GIRL ON THE TRAIN, by Paula Hawkins: really great suspense novel. Kept me up most of the night. The alcoholic narrator is dead perfect.
> https://twitter.com/StephenKing/status/559683663810797568
GONE GIRL, by Gillian Flynn
Dans l’interview de SK à Manatee FLorida, 2015 (52e minute, j’ai l’interview video sur mon PC)
BIG LITTLE LIES, by Linda Moriarty
« Trivia Night is the climax of BIG LITTLE LIES, by Linda Moriarty. It’s a hell of a good book. Funny and scary. She nails the feuding moms. »
>> https://twitter.com/StephenKing/status/564610468162326528
Sarah Lotz : DAY FOUR
The new Sarah Lotz novel,DAY FOUR, is really good. USA edition comes out June 15. It’s the cruise ship from hell.
>> https://twitter.com/StephenKing/status/597785098558304257
Dennis Lehane’s WORLD GONE BY
Dennis Lehane’s WORLD GONE BY is the best gangster novel since THE GODFATHER. Terrific story, shattering conclusion.
>> https://twitter.com/StephenKing/status/615657915983208448
THE POWER OF THE DOG and THE CARTEL, by Don Winslow: I’m totally swept up. You can’t ask more for emotionally moving entertainment.
> https://twitter.com/StephenKing/status/619284468038246400
AMNESIA by Peter Carey
« I enjoyed Peter Carey’s wonderful novel, AMNESIA–not least of all because it brought back memories of playing Zork. »
> https://twitter.com/StephenKing/status/758853235708862464
BAD COUNTRY, by CB McKenzie: Terrific crime/suspense/mystery novel, but the real revelation is his fresh and original voice.
> https://twitter.com/StephenKing/status/622530247423041536
THE QUICK, by Lauren Owen: A terrific (and terrifying) novel of the undead in London. Completely involving, impossible to put down.
> https://twitter.com/StephenKing/status/662099288802074624
A HEAD FULL OF GHOSTS, by Paul Tremblay
Here’s one I’ll second whole-heartedly: A HEAD FULL OF GHOSTS, by Paul Tremblay: Scared the living hell out of me, and I’m pretty hard to scare.
CLOSE YOUR EYES: The best Michael Robotham novel yet. Once I reached the last 100 pages, it really was impossible to put down.
>> https://twitter.com/StephenKing/status/673977954498646017
The Death House by Sarah Pinborough
« Moving and totally involving. I couldn’t put it down » (Stephen King)
> http://www.amazon.co.uk/The-Death-House-Sarah-Pinborough/dp/057509690X
> https://twitter.com/orionbooks/status/680139420956258304?refsrc=email&s=11
A LONG DECEMBER by Richard Chizmar
« Powerful…I love it…Richard Chizmar writes clean, no-nonsense prose…sets his tales in no-nonsense, middle class neighborhoods I can relate to…and writes terrific stories served with a very large slice of Disquiet Pie. »
> http://subterraneanpress.com/store/product_detail/a_long_december
THE LONEY by Andrew Michael Hurley (2016)
> Blurb : « it’s not just good, it’s great. an amazing piece of fiction »
THE NIX, by Nathan Hill
I’m reading THE NIX, by Nathan Hill. Just started, but so far it’s got me laughing hysterically. First 50 pages are worth the price.
> https://twitter.com/StephenKing/status/789919502913929216
THE TWENTY-THREE, by Linwood Barclay
Loving THE TWENTY-THREE, by Linwood Barclay. You should treat yourself to the whole Promise Falls trilogy.
> https://twitter.com/StephenKing/status/807347729672376320
FINAL GIRLS, by Riley Sager
The first great thriller of 2017 is almost here: FINAL GIRLS, by Riley Sager. If you liked GONE GIRL, you’ll like this.
> https://twitter.com/StephenKing/status/813570536559280129
DARKTOWN, by Thomas Mullen: A brilliant blending of crime, mystery, and American history (Atlanta, just after WWII). Terrific entertainment.
> https://twitter.com/StephenKing/status/823225728032505856
BEHIND HER EYES, by Sarah Pinborough
Spent most of the day reading the second half of BEHIND HER EYES, by Sarah Pinborough. What the Brits call « a thumping good read. » Bravo!
> https://twitter.com/StephenKing/status/830541749613428736
Anyway, you should read BEHIND HER EYES. Even if it’s not a thumping good read, it’s bloody brilliant.
> https://twitter.com/StephenKing/status/830548331222953984
THE UNDERGROUND RAILROAD, by Colson Whitehead: Terrific novel of escape, sacrifice, and redemption. Reminded me a bit of Larry McMurtry.
> https://twitter.com/StephenKing/status/768562030936743936
AUTEURS recommandés par Stephen King
Neil Gaiman :
« Gaiman is a treasure house…. We are lucky to have him. » Au dos du AMERICAN GODS de laura
Graham Joyce :
« Very sad to hear that Graham Joyce, a truly great novelist, has passed away. Too soon. Far too soon. «
> https://twitter.com/StephenKing/status/509425853202444288
Clive Barker :
My copy of The Inhuman Condition partial proof has a two-page introduction entitled « An Appreciation of Clive Barker » by King that was not included in the published version. It also has only Barker’s story « Revelations ». See post #101 in my Collections thread.
Two versions of the proof : a full proof with ONLY a quote on the back, and a partial proof (the fantasy sampler : the book of blood), a single story Revelations with 2 page appreciation.
Thomas Tessier
« Thomas Tessier’s writing is scary, grim, fast-paced, very good! »
Ruth Rendell
« I’m dismayed about Ruth Rendell’s stroke. I hope you guys will spare a good thought for her. Her books are simply amazing. «
> https://twitter.com/StephenKing/status/558678698258599936
Herman Koch is rapidly becoming one of my favorite writers. His 3 novels, taken together, are like a killer EP where every track kicks ass.
> https://twitter.com/StephenKing/status/777973701258125316
William Peter Blatty :
RIP William Peter Blatty, who wrote the great horror novel of our time. So long, Old Bill.
> https://twitter.com/StephenKing/status/819938141251440641